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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Check domain availability - is this your lucky day?

Check Domain availability

Is this your lucky day?

After selecting your Domain Name you should

determine if that name is available. You might want

to download a domain lookup tool. Or use a domain lookup

service online. Many webhosting services have a good

domain lookup tool readily available.

Domain Lookup Tool

Download a lookup tool availible at

If your desired Domain Name is available you can immediately

begin the registrtion process which is very easy to undergo at most of the registrars. Some of the best and most professional registrars on the market which proved their services very well are 1and1 and Moniker, although there are large amounts of registrars on the market, this two radiate with professionalism and with accessible service prices, which most of people are looking for.

Here on DomaineMaster you can find several important links if you are looking for a right Domain Name !

If you have something to say and/or to ask, please, make a comment or contact me via e-mail !

Contact the DomaineMaster about possible improvements on this page and everything else You consider relevant !

(With Regard, DomaineMaster)

Sponsored and Unsponsored TLDs

Sponsored and unsponsored TLDs !?

Generally speaking, an unsponsored gTLD Registry operates under policies established by the various sources; communities(interests), although many are claiming that these gTLDs are coming through the will of the people throughout world, directly through the ICANN process .biz, .com, .edu, .gov, .info, .name, .net, .org, .mil, and .int are unsponsored gTLDs.

A sponsored gTLD (sometimes called an sTLD) is a specialized gTLD that has a sponsor representing a specific community that is served by the gTLD. The sponsor thus carries out delegated policy-formulation responsibilities over many matters concerning the gTLD. .aero, .asia, .cat, .coop, .jobs, .mobi, .pro, .museum, and .travel are sponsored gTLDs. Entities wishing to register domain names in a sponsored gTLD will be required to meet certain eligibility requirements.


Current sponsored TLDs


Members of the air-transport industry

Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques


Cooperative associations

Dot Cooperation LLC



Museum Domain Management Association


Credentialed professionals and related entities

Registry Services Corporation


Travel agents, airlines, hoteliers, tourism bureaus, etc.

The Travel Partnership


Catalan language and culture


Employment-related sites


Mobile devices and services for them


Internet-based voice/data/text communication

Telname Limited

Pending sponsored TLDs


Postal agencies and similar businesses

Universal Postal Union

Rejected sponsored TLDs


Sexually explicit material

ICM Registry, Inc

Here on DomaineMaster you can find several important links if you are looking for a right Domain Name !

If you have something to say and/or to ask, please, make a comment or contact me via e-mail !

Contact the DomaineMaster about possible improvements on this page and everything else You consider relevant !

(With Regard, DomaineMaster)

Generic Top Level Domains !

Generic Top-Level Domains

Registrations in the domains listed above may be made through dozens of competitive registrars. For a list of the currently operating accredited registrars, go to the InterNIC site. Information about becoming an accredited registrar is available on the ICANN site.

  • The .gov domain is reserved exclusively for the United States Government. It is operated by the US General Services Administration.
  • The .edu domain is reserved for postsecondary institutions accredited by an agency on the U.S. Department of Education's list of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and is registered only through Educause.
  • The .mil domain is reserved exclusively for the United States Military. It is operated by the US DoD Network Information Center.
  • The .int domain is used only for registering organizations established by international treaties between governments. It is operated by the IANA .int Domain Registry.

These all are generic Top level domains, which are controversial by itself. This will be an close-hidden issue for quite some time, till time when people would need to consider a more better solution i.e. resolution on some global scale or scope.

For now these ones are serving and from them the most usage, benefits and advantages have the largest „global“ corporations i.e. companies which strive for being the global leaders in their economical niches.

But, also, these domain extensions are serving now as stability walls, as stabilizers in the time when world(and country) organizations are dicerning and negotiationg about the best possible solution for eachone an all of us.

Here on DomaineMaster you can find several important links if you are looking for a right Domain Name !

If you have something to say and/or to ask, please, make a comment or contact me via e-mail !

Contact the DomaineMaster about possible improvements on this page and everything else You consider relevant !

(With Regard, DomaineMaster)

Special TLDs – which domains are these ?

TLDs with three or more characters are referred to as generic TLDs, or gTLDs, also called specials for being specially established domains.

The responsibility for operating each g(generic)TLD (including maintaining a registry of the domain names within the gTLD) is delegated to a particular organization. These organizations are referred to as "registry operators" or "sponsors." Currently, the following gTLDs are operated under contract with ICANN: .aero, .biz, .cat, .com, .coop, .info, .jobs, .mobi, .museum, .name, .net, .org, .pro, and .travel, .tel .

There are more and more exceptions which are confronted with state internet laws and regulations like on example .la which is ment to be for Laos country, but it could be for something else because people are very creative all the time, but creative without the concerns on the consequences. Every one would like to be a creative too, so if we all want to be creative on Laos domain(.la) than the consequences would be disasterful, which is the exact thing we don't need it. There are many less or more controversial issues about new or potential domains.

There's no need to boost any dust about it. Everything is coming into consideration, and every puzzle will eventually come into right place, hopefuly. For this time it's important to respect state i.e. country TLDs as superior domain names, which need to be integrated into each country governmental infrastructure as these are like country names, so these indeed need to be protected and reserved by each country constitutional law i.e. protected and reserved by the constitution of each and every country.

It wouldn't be a good thing to sell countries or even states to private investors, hahah or would it be a nice thing to do, what do you think? It's the same thing with national domains, but there are gapses and lapsus calamis i.e. lapses in law writing and explanations and lapses with precedences in the law of obligations(better to say lapses in the country's constitutions).

And some of the „fellows“ are often more then witty. The law procedures and making of new laws, especially internet laws is all the way but not alongside with the changes and it's far slower then the market and technology changes. Maybe because law is trying to be resonable, who knows ?!

Here on DomaineMaster you can find several important links if you are looking for a right Domain Name !

If you have something to say and/or to ask, please, make a comment or contact me via e-mail !

Contact the DomaineMaster about possible improvements on this page and everything else You consider relevant !

(With Regard, DomaineMaster)