This is a blog about internet world wide web domain names. It's about what is the best solution for everyone's individual budget, tastes, styles. Hot news from the domain world and much more. Check it now !

Monday, June 25, 2007

How to choose a Good Domain Name for our Website?

How to choose a Good Domain Name for our Website

First of all we need to determine a purpose of our website.
When we are
aware or became aware of the real website purpose, then we can think about the proper Domain Name.

That's far better than first picking the domain name at random.

Understandable, if we have a business running or some organization functioning we would than give our website the same Name which we are already using as a business name.

We would all say that exactly this is the key-resolution on the domain names subject. But, there are plenty of other solutions, as i perceive, from my point of view. One of this solutions is giving a name to our domain, possibly to our website also, as same as your specific, special product/s or service/s you wish to promote or to achieve a breakthrough with.

But it's not something like a rule, it is nothing else than
just a pure logic. Although the logic isn't a
lways the key factor
which is running an internet business, simila
r is with the domain names. The Internet is for now more connected with the term of fuzzy logic rather than with a term of classic logic.

There are numerous cases when somebody buys a Domain
Name X and then appoint website with
a Name Z. That's a
solution too which is good to have on our mind when searching

for a proper domain name. Whatsoever, the point is that there is no such rule which says that our Domain and Website must be appointed with the same Name as our business or company is i.e. that's not warranty neither guarantor of our business success. On the other hand, if you have a really good Name for a Brand name, or having a Trademark, then you would need to consider a first option which is giving, appointing the same name to both. Good luck with that,'s hard to find a market name this days. There are many reasons for that though, some of them i will describe soon. Typosquatting, cybersquatting are just some of these controversial issues.

Of course, if You have some keen issue, problem, subject and would like to discuss it or if you are trying to resolve it, you can always hire me for any of those. There are legal organizations and institutions that deals with this kind of issues, moreover, often they seem to be righteous to the extent and within a framework they can.

Mastering yourself in this area is quite necessarily for the time when You are searching for the right solution, because presumably You'll have this chosen name for a longer period of time. Of course, you are not obliged to use just this name forever, you can let it go in every moment and buy a different or another name. It's all up to You. But taking another domain name has its price too(e.g. time, money...etc.), so we want to do it properly from the very beginning.

We must include all or most of the f
actors which are important for our domain, for our business.

The more factors we succed to include when picking our
domain name that's the better for our business.

About all of this important and various factors which you could or sometimes you must include when searching for a valid and proper name for your business or any other means, i will describe soon in a special article.

Here on DomaineMaster you can find several important links if you are looking for a right Domain Name !

If you have something to say and/or to ask, please, make a comment or contact me via e-mail !

Contact the DomaineMaster about possible improvements on this page and everything else You consider relevant !

(With Regard, DomaineMaster)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

An introduction to the World of Domain Names (Domain Industry)

An introduction to the World of Domain Names (Domain Industry)

I will be writing here about the domain names, this huge, huge market which is exploding all the time. About it consisting of little market eruptions here and there. I'll be writing about the perfect choice for a Domain Name i.e. naming the domain and of course the whole story about the domain names will be re&presented in shorter or longer text paragraphs.

I will be oriented mainly on fresh news from the world of domains(american&english), domaines(francais), dominions(espanol), domains(deutsch) but firstly i will be making an introduction to most important terms, notions and phrases from the world of Domain Names.

I will show you some money-nature details on which i have bumped into through my domain-enterprises, which could usually take your time, patience and unfortunately these could also take your money away. Of course, our goal is not to get bumped to on some of this obstacles, but rather to get you into the market as smartly and as cleverly as one could. Without concern are you just looking for a great, smart, short, superb, deluxe, distinct Domain Name or even Domain Names, or are you looking on this market as an Business Investment i will provide to you with the most important informations, news, tips & tricks about how to Mastering yourself in the Dominium of the Domain Names.

The most important thing about the domains, domains, dominions is like everything in our life, to stay in a perfect being state and to be happy with the choice you have made.

Here on DomaineMaster you can find several important links if you are looking for a right Domain Name !

If you have something to say and/or to ask, please, make a comment or contact me via e-mail !

Contact the DomaineMaster about possible improvements on this page and everything else You consider relevant !

(With Regard, DomaineMaster)